Is your site as good as it could be?
Find out. Get a full website audit
When you’ve poured time, energy, and company budget into your website, it has to pull its share of the weight. A site that’s well structured, fully optimized, and error-free delivers better visitor experiences. As a result, it’ll boost traffic, earn leads, convert those leads, and put some ka-ching back into your business.
Your full website audit shows what’s working, what’s not, and what could be remodeled.
When to get an audit
There’s no bad time to run an audit, but if your site has:
- just launched
- been redesigned
- undergone a serious update
- remained untouched for 18 months (or *gulp* longer)
then getting a site audit is smart. Things can break, be misdirected, display funny, or stop working completely. That’s the nature of the ever-changing landscape search and websites are built on.
And when you’ve got eleventy-million other business tasks vying for your attention, errors slip under your radar.
Once complete, I’ll email your branded report. You’ll get a clear breakdown of how your site measures up in each of the 10 sections. An additional notes and support sheet will help jargon-bust the more technical bits.
I’ll also invite you to join me on a consultation call. We’ll discuss the findings within the audit, and what it could mean to your search engine rankings if you put them into action.
Ready for a site that’s search-friendly?
Let’s get the ball rolling…