The best social sharing snippet from this interview is by far… “So her original identity was very one thing, which was. Always sort of secondary or third in the, you know, there’s somebody bigger than her in the family, let’s say. There’s always somebody doing more, or the expectations were that this one person would do everything. And her identity, so we worked a lot on her identity. Allowing herself to, to be, big!”
The best social sharing snippet from this interview is by far… “So her original identity was very one thing, which was. Always sort of secondary or third in the, you know, there’s somebody bigger than her in the family, let’s say. There’s always somebody doing more, or the expectations were that this one person would do everything. And her identity, so we worked a lot on her identity. Allowing herself to, to be, big!”
In this episode I sit with my very first Sweet Spot member, Lisa Garber, Life and Mentor Coach, and have a conversation around how small business owners can overcome unknown fear to effectively grow their businesses. Lisa shares insights into the importance of self-awareness, prioritizing tasks, and dealing with procrastination. The conversation also touches on Garber’s transition to online coaching and product creation in response to the pandemic. Lisa encourages that small business owners should focus equally on personal growth and business development, as success in business often reflects one’s self-esteem and identity.
00:00 Welcome to the Small Business Sweet Spot
00:32 Introducing Lisa Garber: A Mentor Coach’s Journey
01:54 Lisa Garber’s Coaching Philosophy and Approach
04:12 Identifying and Overcoming Roadblocks to Success
08:43 The Role of Self-Awareness and Prioritization in Personal Growth
12:18 Exploring Common Roadblocks and Solutions in Coaching
15:30 Success Stories and the Power of Identity Shifts
19:56 Addressing Misconceptions in Coaching
20:20 Unlocking Potential: The Essence of Coaching
21:25 Navigating the Coaching Journey: Strategies and Misconceptions
23:16 Empowerment and Growth: Core Philosophies in Coaching
25:09 Adapting to Change: The Shift to Online Coaching
28:01 Leveraging Digital Platforms: A New Era for Coaching
34:37 The Power of Self-Reflection for Small Business Owners
36:09 Closing Thoughts: Finding Answers Within
The book mentioned, The Big Leap
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Hello, and welcome to the small business sweet spot. I’m your host Barb Davids, and this show is dedicated to helping small business owners like you get more organic website traffic and also to help create and distribute content and analyzing the numbers so that we can make better informed marketing decisions. It is action oriented, direct, and conversational. And if you’ve been looking for SEO or content marketing help, please stick around to the very end where I share about the group coaching program, small business sweet spot. I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s go.
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Small Business Sweet Spot. This special episode features Lisa Garber, life and mentor coach, and one of my very first Small Business Sweet Spot members from last year. I have loved our conversations ever since we started talking together and working together, and I thought it would be a great idea for you to hear from Lisa.
Also just about all of the good stuff that she has, and I am going to first read off your bio, Lisa, and then I’m going to have the listeners hear from you directly about your sweet spot of who you help and how. So I’m going to jump into your bio. So Lisa, with over 25 years of coaching experience, Lisa Garber loves guiding coaches to find their confidence, carve out successful paths, and truly connect with their clients.
Known for her deep insights and effective coaching tools. She is instrumental in turning aspirations into achievements for countless professionals. So thanks so much for agreeing to be with me today, Lisa, on the podcast. And I’m going to turn it over to you to let you start with sharing how you help small business owners or other coaches.
And so people can hear from you directly. Okay, great. Thanks for having me. I’m honored. And I sound so good in that bio, don’t I? I just love that. It’s important. It’s good to listen. So I, I have transitioned for the first 20 odd years of my career. I I’ve been a life coach only, and that has been fantastic helping primarily women, but I’ll, you know, everybody.
On sort of finding themselves and figuring out what they want to do when they grow up and really it’s been a quite a wonderful journey and then really, I noticed that the majority of the people that I meet have done that. They’ve done the work. So when I started over 20 odd years ago, people hadn’t done the work.
Now they’ve done the work. And now the question is, why aren’t they out there doing what they want to do? So my, my real question Joy is working with other coaches because, of course, it’s the area that I know the best, and I love to work with them to really work on what I, I, I think I mentioned to you once, the inner game.
So I’m not a business coach as per se, right? I don’t have the That kind of tool, tools, or that kind of background, other than all the work I do on myself in my own business, which is a lot. So I could share that. But what I’ve noticed is for most people, they are, they need the help to get going, to get unstuck, to have the confidence, to keep moving forward, to take the steps, to get out in front of people, to learn the new technology.
I mean, there’s a million things to do, right? And what happens is they don’t do it. Or they don’t do enough of it, or they start and they stop. Do you know what I mean by that? They, they just don’t do the work. Yeah, it feels like it’s almost like there’s a period of motivation maybe, and then they get a, a really good sense of like what they’re gonna do, and how they’re gonna do it, and they build out the plan, and then it just kind of falls by the wayside.
Yeah, that’s exactly right. So some people, everybody kind of has their area where they get stopped. Some people can’t get going. Some people get going and love the whole planning part of it, but then they cannot take action. And then other people are taking action in a haphazard way, perhaps without a plan.
They may have jumped right in and now they’re lost, confused, and definitely overwhelmed. Mm hmm. So when somebody comes to you, what is maybe one of the first things that you ask them or get them to talk about in order to find out where they are in that, those different scenarios that you mentioned? Yes.
That’s the question. Where are you at? It’s kind of a simple question, isn’t it? Yes. We, we would look at where, first and foremost, we look at where do you want to go? You know, what is the vision? Mm hmm. What’s the dream? What do you think about at night? What keeps you awake in a good way? Who have you seen doing the things you want to be doing?
Because with coaches, for instance, there’s people who’ve written books. Then there’s people who do the podcasts. There’s people who do YouTubes, long YouTube, short YouTubes. There’s so many ways in which you can put yourself out there. So they, you know, what is the, what does it look like for them? Where are they now?
Right. And what’s getting in the way? We also look at what’s working. We always, in coaching, you always look at what’s working. Because the idea in coaching is you’re looking always at the solution. You’re looking at the way to move forward. So if, for instance, somebody says, well, I, I’ve been loving posting on Instagram.
I don’t know who that person is. But they are out there, I’m pretty sure. They say, I love posting on Instagram. That’s working. Great. Now, how come? How come that’s working? What is it about Instagram? Is it the shortness? Is it the length? Is it the personality? Like, you look at, why does that work for that person?
And then, what can we learn from that, that we can apply to the other areas that aren’t working? It’s a, it’s a formula, I guess. I always say to people, I’m not a formulaic kind of coach, but I kind of am in that regard, right? That is, that is a classic way of learning how to get beyond your problems. And that is to figure out what you’re doing well and figure out how to do more of that.
I like that. That’s a good way to look at it. And also I feel like that could also instill a little bit of. Evidence that they’re doing the right thing. Evidence is so good. Yeah. That’s a great word, because evidence is how you build belief. Mm hmm. Exactly. So if you’re feeling self doubt, which most of them are, then you’ve got evidence that tells them, you know what, I can do this.
Mm hmm. I can do this. I can do this. Right. Yeah. Good word. Yeah. So I have a question. I’m going to use my specific scenario, I think, to lead into it. So last year, I wrote some notes, so I don’t forget what it, what it was I wanted to say to you. Great. So it was like last year or like the year before, I can’t remember when it was.
Now it seems like my years have been running together just from, I’ve been in business for like a year. Almost five years now. And every year there’s been that whole motivation. I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it. And then it didn’t happen as much as I thought it was going to. I’ve had success in my business, but not in the way that I think I thought I saw.
And. I learned a lot of it was from procrastination and it was pointed out to me also, this is the part that I didn’t see, was that I was causing my own stress. So for a long time I was working with other clients and doing the work for them, but I would be like, Oh, I’ve got to get this done. I got to get that done.
And I felt like I was always busy doing something and I just couldn’t get enough done during the day. And I, I just, I realized I was, somebody pointed out to me, well, why are you Thinking about that. And it wasn’t anybody that did what you did. That was the interesting thing. They just happened to ask a question and so Thinking about this from your perspective If I came to you saying I feel like i’m busy all the time I can’t get all of this work done and I feel like i’m always behind i’m always overwhelmed, but yet I procrastinate And I don’t get the things done is Now I’m trying to figure out how to word this, I guess, is, or how to put this into, is there something like that, that, Are those, those things that keep people back from being successful? And if it’s like that, are there other things that we might not have seen like the procrastination that keep us from going into the successful part of our business or getting into that out of the start, stop, start, stop?
Yeah, I guess if I were coaching you, I’d ask you how you did it, but maybe you can, and maybe you can tell us, but the, the thing about procrastination is that there’s always something underneath it. Yeah. Procrastination itself isn’t the issue, it’s what’s driving that procrastination. But perhaps you or that person hasn’t even noticed they’re procrastinating.
So that’s part of the, part of the problem. The, the first step always in change and growing your business and which starts with growing yourself is self awareness. So what we would do is we would just really look at what, what goes on in your day. Let’s, let’s review these things. What happens in a given day?
You say you’re working so hard. What exactly are you doing? And literally getting things on paper. I know people don’t use paper, but paper works. So you know, you, you look at it, you’re, you’re interacting with it, you’re seeing what you’re doing. It might be one of those situations where you need to, a person would need to keep a diary for a week and just write down all the things that they’re doing.
Self awareness is usually just almost good enough to change the habit. Because you’re just, you don’t realize, oh, I just spent an hour doing, scrolling through my phone. You didn’t even know you did it, right? So that, it’s always about self awareness. Then we can see what exactly is getting in, in the way.
And and then the next thing when you were talking, I was thinking, well, priorities, there needs to be a way to sit down and figure out what are the priorities. Because when there’s a lot to do, then that’s what happens. We just do a lot. Task after task after task. And as you know, I used to say to people, you know, your task list is, you know, like the universe.
It’s, it’s, it’s infinite, infinite. So you can’t really live according to a task list. You have to take the task list and put it into a a priorities list. And then you have to look and see what exactly, and that’s when you get into discussions like, well, what is your priority? Is it to help everybody else?
Or is it to be working on your own business? And that’s a long discussion. That could be several discussions, trying to figure out where you, where you put yourself in, in, in your world. And for more, most people, you know, I encourage them to put themselves first, even if it’s an hour a day. Then they’re putting themselves first and the first part of the day so that it gets done and then they feel better about the rest of the day.
And then yes, look at what is causing the procrastination. You know, bottom line is it’s some kind of fear. It’s some kind of worry. What will happen if I put myself out there? What will happen if I’m not as successful as I mean to be? What will happen if I don’t like what I’m doing? This and I’ve made changed my whole life to do it.
There’s just these questions that are ultimately fear based that cause people to procrastinate. And they have to be looked at and bombarded with. You have to know, you know, how do you change fear? You’ve got to, you know, figure out. If it’s real is, you know, what will actually happen if, if you, if you put yourself out there and nobody’s interested, will you die?
Like what exactly is the fear? So, you know, again, self awareness, it’s a remarkable tool to help us move forward in our businesses. For sure. I love that. So if there’s, okay, so there’s procrastination is probably one thing. What might be some other things that we do that we might not be aware of that might be holding us back?
Well, let’s see. We we sort of justify, and this is, I think, just another kind of procrastination, is that we justify doing other things. that seem most more important. Oh, I’ve got to clean out that closet. Yeah. I know that one. So that is procrastination, but it’s more like avoidance and it’s very very convincing.
We’ve convinced ourselves, we’ve rationalized. So the avoidance is, is a big one for a lot of people. The other one is sort of overfunctioning, overdoing, which means like, for instance, I call it sometimes over consuming and I’m, that’s my thing. I want to learn about SEO. How many YouTube channels, how many YouTube videos do you think I have watched?
Probably a lot. watched one or two, no, no, I have watched hundreds of them. And so that, that’s, that’s a big one, right? Just this over consuming is it’s funny too, because. In reality, overconsuming is, it’s like a, an addiction. It’s a bit of a dopamine hit. So it’s not just an avoidance of, of your work.
It may start like that, but then it becomes actually a habit. And then it becomes a little bit more difficult to break, but it is definitely a habit. So that, that can get people. A lot of people that I work with, they, they’re women and they have families and their families absolutely take them over.
Absolutely. Take them over. In fact, I wrote a book when I was life coaching only, I wrote a book called how to be a mom without losing yourself because all of my clients that that was it. They had completely lost touch with who they were. And that’s still true with people building businesses and working on their websites and trying to get clients for their coaching practices is that their kids particularly will come first.
Now, is that real? Is that a value? Is that avoidance? You got to really, we look at that. We really do look at that because it’s the easiest one to use. Of course, I’d be a terrible mother if I didn’t drive my child everywhere, right? I’d be a terrible mother if I didn’t let them walk in in the middle of my hour that I’m supposed to be working on my, my thing, right?
It’s so, in the guilt, it’s so easy to fall into that. I have really spent a lot of time working with women on that one in particular. Okay. That’s good. And I could see that happening with some of the people that I know with, that have kids. How they can, they can definitely lose their self or they have that expectation on themselves to do certain things in certain ways.
So let me ask you in terms of the roadblocks, is there a particular person that you’ve worked with that you could share a little bit of what you helped them overcome, sort of like a success story and going through that whole process and just shared that particular scenario and what you did to work through it?
And then maybe what resulted from that, if they shared that with you. I’ll do my best. There is an element in which there’s an aspect to my coaching and I do believe it’s true of any coaching, which is very creative and in the moment and hard to I think that is one of the most exciting things about coaching, at least the kind of coaching that I do.
It’s not from a book and it’s not set questions on a piece of paper. It’s such a, I call it creative, right? So there’s skills and there’s the art of coaching. So when I’m working with somebody, both of those things are happening. So I can’t always say what happened because it’s. Sometimes it’s just, you know, an aha moment that happens and it changes their, their, where they’re going.
I do work with one person who I started with a very long time ago and she, she’s gone through three, two, I think two, maybe three career choices till she got to, she wanted to coach. And now she’s moving into business mentoring. As well, which has been really hard for her to do. So what’s had to happen is honestly, it’s been a question of allowing her to believe that it’s okay for her to be that person.
It’s like an identity shift. So her original identity was very one thing, which was. Always sort of secondary or third in the, you know, there’s somebody bigger than her in the family, let’s say. There’s always somebody doing more, or the expectations were that this one person would do everything. And her identity, so we worked a lot on her identity.
Allowing herself to, to be, big, you know there’s a great book called the what’s it called? The leap, the zone, what is it called? The big leap. I think it’s called the, yeah, I’ve read that one. Yeah. The big leap. So she’s been having to, you know, she’ll take these little leaps and then come back and take a little leap and come back, even come back.
So we’ve been really helping her. And you know what? Sometimes that’s how you need to do it. And we’ve been helping her take a leap into So, stepping in and owning this new place where she has some authority and she has some expertise and people are interested in what she has to say. And then we have to go another leap and go and find again, sort of becoming somewhat comfortable in that new place that was originally uncomfortable in order for the leaps to keep going.
So in her case, honestly, it was about identity and that meant we just did a lot of talking about. Yeah. What she really wanted. What were her values? What, what happens, you know, when she feels good and she’s stepped into her power? What, what’s that like? And then of course, what is she afraid of? That’s the question.
What are you afraid of? And then learning how to take away the fear, really make the fear on it. So you don’t take away fear as much as you shine a light on it.
Yeah. Cause what darkness you, how do you get rid of darkness? You turn on the light. That’s good. Yeah. Well, that’s, that’s cool. Did that answer your question? Yeah, that did. Very much so. Yeah. I like that. That’s that’s a fun story about listening to her and how she went through that. And I hope that people get from that, that it is about what we talked about, what you shared before in the awareness piece of it.
Like it, I feel like that’s such a big Just a big piece of that like it’s so yeah, because if you don’t know that you don’t know so that’s right You can’t that’s right. You can’t change something if you don’t know what’s happening. Mm hmm Yeah, when people come to you, is there some misconception? That is the most prevalent when they start to work with you Or is there yes that I have all the answers You don’t?
I may sound like I do, but that’s a misconception. Yeah. The cool thing about the kind of coaching that I do is that it’s really about the recognition that the person that I’m talking to already has all the answers. All the abilities, all the resources, you know, that there’s nothing, I’m not trying to fix anything and that that is the misconception is that somehow I will, you know, have answers to all their questions and that, and that my answers and my guidance will actually fix it because that it doesn’t right if they, if it were, you know, That easy.
They would, somebody else would have told them, right? Sometimes we have those aha moments like you had, it was like, wait a minute. You know, that question just woke me up a little bit, but that’s, that’s being woken up. That’s not being told the answer to something. So yeah, that’s the misconception I can guide.
And of course I do know a lot after all these years, I do know a lot and I’ve experienced a lot, but really. I’m, I’m there to help the person. So if someone comes, if a coach comes, for instance, and says, I just can’t I’m afraid to, or it’s usually not that I don’t know how to get a client. I finished my certification.
I love coaching and I don’t even know where to start right now. There’s a hundred ways to start. So am I going to list those or am I going to say, okay, let’s figure out what’s the right one for you. You know, how do you want to start? Who have you seen start? When have you started something before? It’s like, there’s a lot of questions that will help that person to recognize, Oh, this is, this is how it’ll work for me.
I’m going to call up five people that I know, offer them coaching and see if I can get some referrals from them. Or, you know, I’m going to start writing a blog and letting everybody, like there’s a million ways, as you know, so that that’s how it works. I help them figure out what’s the right way for them.
And if they have no idea. Then I give them, I can give them a number of ideas and go around a circle and say, which one sort of feels right to you. If that still doesn’t, I might just say, go do some research and come back next week and let’s talk about what you found. Okay. So I’m not that kind of coach.
I’m not the kind of coach that says, oh, here’s what you do. That’s good. I have worked with a lot of coaches and I haven’t worked with you directly in the capacity of client relationship like that. But I, I find that if you get a coach that doesn’t allow you to be yourself and teaches by the book or does it by question answer that kind of thing, or in their way specifically, you don’t get as much out of it.
Like, I feel like people that work with you would get They would get such impact out of it because you’re helping them look inside themselves and get past the things that they need to get past. Yeah. Yes. So, you know, when we’ve worked together and you talk about core messages, right? My core message really is about empowering people to fulfill their potential.
So I can’t, I can’t do that for them, right? I’m empowering them. I can’t actually fill their potential. And so that, that piece of empowering them is always on my mind. I want them to walk away for years to come and be able to have a happy, successful life because they learned things that they can use forever.
Yeah. Well, I guess that’s not good for getting them to come back, but. I mean, you know, with cars, they always break, so, you know, you have to keep fixing them. But, you know, people keep growing and they come up, they always bump up against troubles. I’ve got some people who have come and gone for the last 10, 15 years.
I’ve got some clients who check in, you know, every three months or so, and we do a session and it’s really helpful. Yeah. Life isn’t linear. I think I’ve, I’ve heard linear, linear, linear, something like that. But life isn’t linear as good. It sounds like that. I’m not sure what that is, but it could be a, could be a thing.
Yeah. Like, it’s not like this, it’s like this. Yeah. What’s the, what’s the best part that you like about your job or your, what you, I wouldn’t say it’s a job, but what, what’s the thing that you like best about the people that you work with? Yeah, I always say to people, I have conversations for a living.
I just love that. I love people. I just find them eternally fascinating. And I have such belief in humans, you know I have such a deep respect for the human what humans are capable of. And I love watching people grow. It thrills me. Just thrills me. Mm hmm. That’s cool. Good. Good. So what are you working on these days for your business for the people that you help?
Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. So I am, you know, COVID kind of changed things in my world. I had A very full practice with a half of my practice were the, were life coaching clients. The other half were leadership clients who are learning about emotional intelligence and I was working with them to be better leaders.
Those people were coming to me through a company that did training on leadership. So it was like, Oh boy, three more clients. Oh boy, five more clients. They did all their leadership training in live. And I guess I shouldn’t be using that word because if I use that word you have to put something under your YouTube channel to say something.
So the pandemic, we’ll call it when the pandemic hit all of a sudden they, their business went stopped for a while. I mean, they’ve since rebuilt differently, but their business stopped, which meant my business stopped. So I thought, okay, I need to learn how to be online. Right. I need to figure out what to do, what that is.
So I’m on website number two, and I’m on a new niche. And I’m on products as well. And so I created a program. It was originally called the confident entrepreneur, and I did it live coaching, group coaching. It was wonderful and I loved it. But now I’m seeing that the world, what the world wants are digital products.
So I’ve created. I’m creating a whole suite, an offer suite, that includes a freebie, a masterclass on how to conduct discovery calls, which are a key element to a coach’s sales, sales process. I’ve created a coaching coach with confidence planner that helps people to, and I actually did make it digital, but you can print it out and do it by hand, but you can fill it out PDF.
What I, I I’ve learned all of these different things that you can do to help prepare yourself and prepare for the client and to grow. And then there’s going to be a redo of that confident entrepreneur. as the confident coach program, and it’s a mentorship program and it will be digital in that it will be videotaped and workbooks and, and I will do some live events along the way, but those aren’t in the program itself.
Those will be the extra extras that people get who purchased the program. And so, yeah, I’m learning about all that. And. Because of that, I’m learning about SEO. There you go. And how to show up online. Yeah. And wow, it’s a learning curve. Yeah. So that’s a nice stepping stone into the small business sweet spot and you being actually the very first member last year.
So it was really fun to, to get started with it and working with you. Why did you jump into that program or what led you into that? You know, something I read on somebody’s, I don’t, I mean, I remember how I found you. Do you remember that? I don’t remember. How did you find me? I probably wrote it down somewhere because I’m sure I asked you.
You did. The woman who does, she’s a wonderful woman who does templates and and I can’t remember her name and I can’t remember her Instagram. But I followed her on Instagram, very, very personable, just went through a cancer thing. Does it ring a bell? Anyway, her name escapes me, but she had an engaging Instagram post about, is there something that you need for your business?
And I wrote, which I hardly ever do, I wrote, I need to figure out how to, how people can find me and how to make this website more than just a brochure. Is what it felt like. I had a two years of a website that did absolutely nothing. So she wrote, Oh, you might want to talk to Barb Davids who’s doing this, that, and the other.
And I said, okay. And then you contacted me. So I think she may have told you about me. So it was a really like, Instagram y moment that these actually do happen. Hey, Instagram works. It actually works in some, not in the way we thought, right? Yeah. Yeah. In a networking way it worked. So yeah, so I was in that essentially what was happening is that I had a website that was absolutely dead.
It always was. It did nothing. So I was grateful that the people had helped me to build it, but then it was like, okay, it’s like, it’s not even floating. Yeah, it’s just like and so that’s what I needed. I needed to figure out, well, how does this work in the, in this world? How do you get people to come to you?
How did they find you? And that’s, that’s what I needed to learn, you know, what in, in the name of the world is a keyword and how do you find that? And what, what do they mean by researching that? And it’s, you know, all that stuff. I just didn’t know any of it. I just didn’t. So now though, I’m very educated.
You’ll be happy to know. That I was on the call with a client last night who said, and I was, we were looking for something, a book about how to, how to create better boundaries. And and I said, well, you know, put in. You know executive learning, something about bounds, something I, I can’t remember what the words were.
And then I said, I said, those, those are good key words to find what you’re looking for. And I went, I just used the word keyword, . I must understand what it is. And I stopped and I said, oh, by the way, I couldn’t have said those two words before a year ago, . So I thought, okay, I’m learning. I’m definitely awesome.
It does feel awesome. It does. And it feels awesome to kind of learn a little bit more about why, you know, what, what the world wants, you know, they just don’t necessarily want to call me up for 10 coaching sessions anymore. They just don’t. So some do, and that’s fine, but I, I need to, I need to do more and I have a lot to offer and I have a lot I want to share.
So these products and services that I’m creating will definitely help me to express myself in a creative way. And then I need the help from people like you to figure out how to, how do I take them to the world so that they learn about them? Yeah. Yeah. That’s great. Yeah. It’s been fun watching the website redesign that you’ve had and just all the back and forth with the keyword research and the blog posts that you’ve been talking about and reshaping them a little bit and how to go through the decision of, you know, changing up your back, your platform.
You were talking about doing some of that and how to switch that over. And there’s just so many things to think about, especially when you start looking at your website and saying, okay, how am I going to attract people? But once they get here. Well, what do they do? Yeah, what do they do? Yeah, that’s exactly right.
And it’s, it’s I still don’t know what’s going to work because I’m still creating the offers. Putting that together and that and learning about that, learning how to do a funnel. But the you know, the, the hope is that once that’s sort of in place, then I can go out more into the world, you know, like writing for a tiny Buddha.
Yeah. Yeah. That was really wonderful that they accepted my first. Yeah, that’s fantastic. And second. Yeah. But now I need to find the place that will attract more of the people that will be, would be interested in, in my offers. I just don’t, you know, there’s just so much time in the day, isn’t there? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, that’s where your priority list comes in. Right? That’s right. Yeah, and that finished one before you go to two. Yes, it’s so easy to work on five and that’s my consuming, right? I’ll work on five things at once because I don’t know what that does. It gives me procrastinating on number one for some reason.
That’s right. Not. And I do know why, because you’ve had this experience. You can, the first 85 percent of the project, you do it. And then the last 15 percent could take a year to finish. It’s like, I remember that was true in school when I wrote a paper, it was true about just, it seems like it’s true, but renovating, you get that first.
And then the last one, the list is, it seems endless. So. It’s fun to do the first part. The last part to get it finished is all the little stuff filling in the holes, right? All the stuff you want to be doing. Yeah. That’s why I ended up moving on to let’s do something more fun and creative. Let’s create a product instead of finishing the funnel.
Yeah, exactly. Which right now is redoing emails, right? It’s like, how much fun is that? Oh yeah, that’s a ton of fun. Not. Oh, that’s too funny. Okay, so let me ask you two more things. One is, is there anything that I maybe didn’t ask or we didn’t get to in relation to small business owners finding their stuck point so that whatever’s holding them back from success that they, they don’t do that anymore.
Is there anything in that whole arena that maybe we didn’t touch on? Well, the general idea I think for small business owners is that, that they have to work as hard on themselves as they do on their business. That is so true. Your business owners are unique in that way, is that their business is an absolute reflection of themselves.
Their self worth, their self identity, that shows up in their business. And if you ask anybody, they, if they think about it long enough, they will agree with that. So that means you have to work as hard on yourself as you do on your business. So I think that’s the overall message. That I think is really worth thinking about.
Well, my next question was going to be what’s your key takeaway, but I think that has been answered. Oh yeah? Your key takeaway, my key, whose key takeaway? Your key takeaway, what would that be? And I’m thinking it’s probably that, but do you have some other key take, if somebody were to walk away from this episode, what would you want them to walk away with?
Yeah, I think you’re right. I think that was it. I think that was it. That was sort of instead of looking for the answers outside of oneself, start to look within. I like it. All right. And if somebody is interested in your coaching, what is the best way to get ahold of you? Well, my, they could go to my website.
Oh no, really? They could be one of the two people that are visiting it every once in a while. You know, my email, is that giveable? Do I give that out? Yeah, that’s totally up to you. On national television? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. So that’s always the best way to get me because I really do check my email.
So I am one of those people, Lisa at Lisa garber. com, hopefully easy Lisa at Lisa garber. com. And that’s G A R B E R. Right? Yes. Be like Bob. Yes. Yeah. Cool. All right. Well, I’m on Instagram. Yes. Doing a, just an incredible job at least the Garber coaching on Instagram. So it’s a little bit more niched. Great.
And thank you for coming to today’s episode and taking the time to share about your business and small business owners. I really appreciate the time. Wow. Thank you for having me. I appreciate being able to share. All right. Thanks so much.
And that wraps up this episode on the inner game of our small businesses as owners. Stay tuned for more episodes on making your business thrive online. See you in the next sweet spot. Cheers.
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You can find all kinds of information at compassdigitalstrategies. com. And if you liked the episode, please tell a friend. Cheers.