How to Get 1,000 More Website Visits

See the difference between bad copy and epic copy header image.

See the Difference Between Bad Copy & Good — Nay, Epic Copy

My copywriter brings life to websites. Her name is Rose Crompton. She’s one of the people who leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the world after a conversation. And I like those kind of folks in my circle. I found Rose when I was searching for a copywriter for myself and for…

Measuring the Value of SEO

Measuring the Value of SEO

A lot of business owners avoid getting stuck into search engine optimization (SEO). A fear of technical jargon and time wasted are the usual reasons companies kick it to the curb. Plus, SEO isn’t exactly the sexiest way to market and grow a brand.  As an SEO strategist, this is a tough truth. But I…

Google My Business Checklist feature image

Google Business Profile Checklist

Using Google Business Profile (GBP) is a free and easy way to boost your business marketing. But what information and details will increase your chances of more views and traffic to your site?  Google loves information. The more information you give Google, the more favorably it looks at you. In short, to “win” at Google…

Screenshot of an excel keyword map.

An Introduction to Keyword Mapping [Template Included]

I was chatting recently with a fellow small business owner, and this SEO question popped up: “Why can’t I have all the keywords I want to rank for go to my homepage?” It’s a fair question. You want people to land on your website and start on the homepage, so why wouldn’t you put all…

Make sure your choose the right digital marketing agency for your business. Here’s what you need to do and what your potential agency should be doing for you.

Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency

Decisions you should make before hiring. And qualities your digital marketing agency should have. There simply aren’t enough hours in your day to fulfill all of your business’ digital marketing needs. Learning and implementing strategies such as SEO, email marketing and paid advertising, takes time you don’t have. And this is why 23% of small…

Bare Minimum SEO For Beginners

Part Two: Bare minimum SEO for beginners

How to set up your SEO plan with the minimum amount of work Running a business with a digital presence means sooner or later you’ll have a conversation about your website and SEO. It may happen in a Facebook group with like-minded business owners. Or it could be at the monthly industry networking get-together when…

The Perfect Blend: Combining Your Organic and Paid Search Efforts

The Perfect Blend: Combining Your Organic and Paid Search Efforts

Fries and ketchup. Beer and burgers. Champagne and strawberries. And chocolate and…well, anything.  All of the above mentioned things are lovely on their own, but are so much better when combined.  In SEO strategy land, our tasty combination comes in the form of organic and paid search efforts.  Granted, they don’t sound delicious at first,…

Getting Away With the Bare Minimum SEO

Part One: Getting away with bare minimum SEO

Dedicate a little time each month to these 5 SEO actions, and get back to what you enjoy most. This post contains affiliate links and is part one of a two-part article. Ironic that discussing bare minimum SEO will take two whole posts, but if we’re gonna be cheeky and shave a few edges of…

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7 SEO measurements you must track

I really enjoy marathon running. And I really enjoy diving into search engine optimization (SEO) work. And, although you might not think it at first, these two things have a helluva lot in common. For example, you know you should eat well and stick to a training plan ahead of a marathon. But when it…

Background of person working on desk.

How to choose your SEO keywords in 3 simple steps

Keyword research is a tedious task. But it’s essential to your SEO strategy. Here’s how to complete your keyword research in just 3 steps.